Anyone who rents an apartment or home to live in in Catonsville, MD should have renters insurance. You may assume that if, for example, your rented home was broken into and your things were stolen, your landlord would be liable or would have their own form of insurance to cover you. But this isn’t the case. Only renters insurance can protect your possessions from instances of theft, water damage, fire damage, or other unforeseen accidents.
Assessing your possessions for renters insurance
Because renters insurance revolves around the protection and coverage of your possessions and belongings, it is important to know what possessions you own and how much they are worth as soon as you start paying renters insurance. This is because, in the event of a fire, for example, you need to have a record of what was damaged in order for your insurance company to cover or pay for the items that you lost. If you don’t know what you lost or how much it was worth, you won’t be covered.
In order to assess and record your possessions, you can do one of several things. First, some people simply take a video camera slowly throughout their apartment or home to visually document what they own. You can also do a similar documentation by taking a multitude of pictures. Finally, you can make a formal list with value amounts for each of the major possessions you own.
Give HBW Insurance Group a Call Today!
Are you a resident of Catonsville, MD who is looking for renters insurance? Give HBW Insurance Group a call to learn about the renters insurance options that are available to you. Our agents would be happy to sit down and speak with you. You can also stop by our nearest office location for immediate assistance.
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