What Can Happen If You Don’t Have Commercial Insurance?

What is the key difference between personal and commercial auto insurance? Many entrepreneurs get by with nothing but a personal policy, while others jump on the opportunity to invest in a commercial policy as soon as possible. What sets one apart from the other.

There are a lot of features that commercial policies make available that you won’t find in a personal insurance package, but the key difference really comes down to who’s driving the car.

If you send an employee out to handle a bank transaction and they get into an accident on the way, a commercial auto policy can cover that, but a personal auto policy will not. Commercial policies from providers and agencies like HBW Insurance Group are primarily designed to ensure that a business owner who enlists their employees to drive on company time, in a company car or in their employer’s car, will be protected should something go wrong while that employee is on the road.

It’s true that some personal policies will allow for other drivers in certain circumstances, but you’d be hard pressed to find one that covers paid employees borrowing your personal car for business purposes.

Most pizza delivery drivers, Uber drivers, Lyft drivers, etc. will provide their own personal insurance. Uber and Lyft drivers in particular are driving their own cars and working as private contractors. In other words, while they may answer to the company, they are technically their own bosses. This isn’t the case when you hand your new hire the keys to your car and ask them to pick up some supplies.

In any event, when in doubt, it’s worth talking to your provider about your policy to make sure that you are covered in both business and personal affairs.

Reasons To Purchase Life Insurance At A Younger Age

Odds are, if you are in your 20’s or 30’s, you may not even be thinking about purchasing life insurance but that could be a huge financial mistake. Purchasing life insurance at a younger age is beneficial in a number of ways but most younger people do not really even consider it. Before you count it out, read these reasons for purchasing life insurance when you are younger. They may just change your mind on the subject. 

  • It saves you a lot of money. There are two main reasons why life insurance is cheaper when you are younger. First, because you are of a younger age, you have a lot of life left which means companies are not expecting to pay out life insurance for a long time. Because of this, they charge less. Second, younger people tend to be more healthy. Being in better health results in cheaper life insurance rates for the exact some reasons. 
  • It can keep premiums low. The younger you are when you buy your life insurance policy, the better your premiums will be. Not only that, they will remain to be lower throughout your life. If you wait until you really need life insurance, then the premiums will be a lot higher simply because you are older and likely less healthy. 
  • It may seem like spending money now on something you do not need yet wastes money, but it really doesn’t. You want to lock in the lowest rate possible so that when you are older and really need it, you are paying a lot less. 

If you are ready to explore your life insurance options, contact us today at HBW Insurance Group. We serve the Catonsville, MD area and would be happy to help you explore the available options that will fit in your budget. 

Tips to Consider Before Buying Flood Insurance in Cantonsville

Flood insurance may not be offered by your insurance company, and it’s partially because the government already offers it at often low rates. However, flooding causes costly structural damage and increases the presence and spread of mold, so this isn’t something to ignore or simply take the cheapest rates with. Take these tips into consideration before selecting a flood policy for you.

Lower Rates Equal Less Coverage 

Attractive rates are excellent until you think about what it will mean for you in the end. Arguing with an insurance company about whether or not something falls under the policy is not something you need when you’re staring at a basement full of water. Finding comprehensive coverage is a smart thing you can do to start feeling like you have recourse when there’s a few more storms headed your way then you’d like to see.

Shopping Around 

Understanding how different insurance companies work can be an excellent tool in knowing you made the right decision. Many consumers with insurance often have a ‘grass is greener’ type of thinking, especially when they start understanding just how many types of insurance companies are out there. From huge, brand-name companies to small, family ones, there’s a lot to consider besides just price. A large company may be able to offer you better rates initially, but they may then up the prices on your premiums if something happens to you, while a smaller company closer to you will have gone through the same flooding event as you. HBW Insurance Group  serves Cantonsville, MD, and we’re here to get you flood insurance that counts. Our agents understand the devastation of floods, and we urge you to call today if you need to add on flood coverage!

What Renter’s Insurance Does

If you happen to be living in an apartment, the last thing on your mind might be renter’s insurance.  For one thing, you don’t own the apartment and for another, surely the landlord has insured it.  Thirdly, you probably aren’t in possession of anything that is priceless.

However, what happens if:

  • There is a fire in the building and you lose everything you own and now have no place to lay your head?
  • Someone breaks in and steals your TV, music player, cell phone, laptop or anything else?
  • The cable installer falls in your apartment and decides to sue you?

If you don’t have renter’s insurance, you will be the one responsible for replacing all of your stuff, even if it isn’t your fault that they are damaged or lost.  Take a minute and just consider what it would cost to replace all of your clothes, furniture, and electronics.  The amount can be astonishing.

Things that renter’s insurance can cover include things like theft, damage from fire and smoke, water damage, temporary living expenses if you can’t use your apartment, liability protection in case anyone is injured in your apartment. 

Another great thing about renter’s insurance is that it is really more affordable than you might think.  Think about the amount of deductible you need to have.  While higher deductibles mean that the price of insurance will be lower, how much can you afford out of pocket if you have a claim?

Renter’s insurance can be well worth the time to look into it and in the end, it can even save you thousands of dollars if the unthinkable happens.  If you are in the Catonsville, MD area, call or stop by HBW Insurance Group to find out more about renter’s insurance and how it can help you today.



3 ways to avoid road rage

There has been a lot of press coverage of road rage incidents lately.  While fatalities from these events are rare, they can cause a distraction that can lead to a serious accident.  If you frequently find yourself getting angry at traffic, try these techniques.

  1. Change your schedule.  The best way to avoid getting angry at traffic is to avoid being in it.  The best way to do that is to avoid times when traffic is bad.  Consider changing your work hours to avoid the worst traffic.  If you tend to get upset on long road trips, move the trip so that you’re avoiding busy cities during rush hour.  You may also want to think about getting started very early or very late in order to ensure that the kids are sleeping through most of the trip.
  2. Find safe ways to distract yourself.  A favorite radio station or audiobook can be good way to get your mind off of the bad traffic.  You may also want to try several different methods of staying calm such as steady breathing or meditating.
  3. Try a new route.  Using an alternate route may help you to avoid the most problematic areas of your commute.  It will also give your mind something else to concentrate on besides being angry.

Of course, it’s important to make sure that you really are protected against bad drivers.  For many residents of Cantonsville, MD a good insurance policy can make sure that they are safe.  Contact the insurance agents at HBW Insurance Group to find a policy that is right for you.  Having good coverage might just give you the peace of mind you need to stay calm in bad traffic.

How To Make Packing Less of a Hassle

It is no surprise that no one likes to pack and unpack for the moving process. It would be so much better if everything could magically go from one place to the next. Unfortunately, we do not live in a world where that is possible. Instead, we have some tips that can help you out. If you take a little bit of extra time while you are packing everything for the move, then you can have a much easier time unpacking everything after you have gotten there. Also, do not forget to contact us at HBW Insurance Group for all of your homeowners insurance needs so you can protect your new home. 

  1. Organize boxes by room and color code them. When you are packing everything up, make sure you color code boxes with stickers for their corresponding rooms. That way, when you move, all of the boxes can be placed in the room they go in and you can tackle the unboxing part room by room. This can save you some time from searching through a big pile of boxes and just focus on the room you are in.
  2. Keep an inventory and label your boxes. A great way to find what you need quickly while moving is to keep an inventory for the items you have packed and to label the boxes accordingly. This will prevent you from searching through a lot of boxes to find the one you need. 
  3. Pack a first night box. Chances are, after you move everything, you will not want to unpack everything. To prevent that, pack a first night box with toiletries like your toothbrush, shower stuff, toilet paper, fresh closes, and things you need to sleep. If everything you need is in one box, you can rest easy and get busy the next day with unpacking. 

Adventure and ATVs in Cantonsville: What to Know Before you Ride

ATVs are great for to go out there and find some adventure. Both adults and kids alike have a great time feeling the wind as they whip along the road, hold on when bumps are hit so they don’t go flying off and just feeling the excitement of getting out into the open. If you’re going to get an ATV for the first time in Cantonsville, here are some facts to keep in mind, so you can have fun and stay safe when you’re out there. Cantonsville, here are some facts to keep in mind, so you can have fun and stay safe when you’re out there. 

Skip the Bells and Whistles, Unless It’s Safety Gear

You don’t need to buy the ATV that comes with a thousand buttons and levers. Chances are, it’ll only confuse you when you’re out there. If you’re new, buy something that you can easily control when you’re out there, and protect yourself when you’re out there! You may not be going as fast as a motorcycle is, but buy the gear for it anyway. Helmet, goggles, jackets, proper footwear: you’ll be happy you have it if something unexpected happens. 

Explore to Your Heart’s Content

The more exploring you do, the more comfortable you’ll feel on an ATV. Obviously start slowly and on the easy trails. Maryland has some beautiful countryside, and you probably know a few out the way spots you can’t wait to take your ATV to. Once you’ve had enough successful outings where you feel comfortable, try adding another person on the back and practicing there or take it a rougher terrain and see what it can do! 

Is Insurance Required?

Maryland does not specifically require you to get ATV insurance considering you’re generally not at risk for hitting another vehicle or injuring a pedestrian. However, don’t leave this up to chance. You do not need to be held liable for theft, accident or injury when you get the right protection. HBW Insurance Group can answer your questions so you can get on your way. 

What Catonsville Residents Should Know Before Driving Abroad

For those traveling abroad from Cantonsville, Maryland, you should ask yourself one very important question: do you plan on driving on your international vacation? If the answer is “yes,” then you’ll probably need to do a few things in preparation for your trip to ensure that your plan to drive doesn’t turn into a scene out of National Lampoon’s European Vacation. Or worse.

The first thing you will want to do is find out whether or not your American driver’s license will allow you to drive in this foreign country. Each nation has different rules about drivers and their legal requirements to be behind the wheel. Many countries want foreign drivers to have an International Driving Permit, or IDP, which can be purchased for a small fee from AAA or the National Auto Club as long as you are 18 years of age.

Next know how auto insurance works in foreign countries, as international coverage usually can’t be done through your insurance provider in the United States, with a few notable exceptions. For travelers who are headed to Canada or Mexico, captive agents can provide full coverage, as these are neighboring countries to the USA. Yet for those who travel to places like Asia, Europe, Australia or anywhere else in the world, coverage must be obtained from an independent company like HBW Insurance Group, serving the greater Cantonville, Maryland area, who specializes in auto insurance plans for those who drive abroad.

Since insurance is meant to protect against unpredictability and few things are more unpredictable than driving in a foreign country, purchasing international auto coverage only makes sense. It’s better to have piece of mind anyway, so you can enjoy this international adventure.

Give Back After The Holiday Season

There are many ways that you can give back after the holiday season, particularly within the community of Catonsville. You don’t need to be the wealthiest person out there – you can simply give your time and a few other things along the way.

Go through your home and decide what you are using. There may be old coats that you can give in order to keep people warm, old clothes that can keep people on the street dressed, and even food within your pantry that you can donate to your local food bank.

There are a few ways to help some of the less fortunate as well. This includes:

  • Putting food on the table for a family that doesn’t have the ability to do so on their own
  • Help out at a soup kitchen
  • Volunteer at your local chapter of Meals on Wheels, a food delivery program
  • There are few other ways that you can give back as well. You may want to think about:
  • Donating blood at a local blood bank
  • Visiting the Department of Veteran Affairs to see how you can thank the different veterans within the community
  • Pledging a certain amount of money to a local charity
  • Adopting a pet from an animal shelter instead of going to a pet store
  • Volunteering at different community organizations, to build homes, provide job training, and more

The more you can do, the better you may feel throughout the holiday season. You may take for granted all that you have – and there are many people, even within your own community, that have very little.

Think about buying your insurance with a community insurance agent, too. AT HBW Insurance Group, our agents can help you find affordable quotes, and more.


Preparing For A Power Outage

There are many ways that you can prepare for a power outage in Catonsville, Maryland. Even if you don’t think that the power is going to go out, having some items on hand can ensure you have nothing to worry about. A little preparation can certainly go a long way.

It’s a good idea to stock your kitchen with some items that don’t require refrigeration, and don’t require cooking. Some of the foods you may want to include purchasing include:

  • Jerky
  • Peanut butter
  • Granola bars
  • Canned and dried fruits
  • Tuna packs

If you have access to a grill, you can also purchase various other items, including canned soups, allowing you to keep them.

Another way to prepare for a power outage is sanitation. You want access to hot water, which can include heating the water in a solar oven or a fuel-efficient rocket stove. With hot water, you will be able to do laundry, sanitize dishes, and even purify water.

Various other survival items should be collected as well. This includes blankets during the colder weather as well as battery-operated fans for the warmer weather. Flashlights and lanterns should also be purchased so that you can see in the dark. If you find that your power goes out throughout the year, it may be wise to invest in a generator.

Having some toys and games that don’t require electricity can also be important, particularly for maintaining sanity. Kids are used to spending time on their tablets and in front of the TV, so you want to make sure they have some way to pass the time.

Call us at the HBW Insurance Group today. What you can learn about homeowner’s insurance from our independent agents can help you in the event of a power outage and more.